Shibaura Machine Disclosure Policy
Stock ticker code: 6104
1. Basic policy
Our company discloses corporate information in a timely manner to ensure correct understanding by shareholders and investors regarding current state of the company.
For this purpose, it is our basic policy to make timely disclosure on a continuing basis of accurate information in our various IR materials that are necessary for investors to make their decisions.
2. Method or information disclosure
In compliance with the Timely Disclosure Rules prescribed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange in which our company is listed, we disclose our corporate information on the website of the Tokyo Stock Exchange through TDNet, a system of Timely Disclosure network.
At the same time, we publish this corporate information on our company website. Additionally, we are making efforts to provide our shareholders and investors with other information that is considered to have an effect on their investment decisions.
3. Quiet period
Our company sets a quiet period of one month until the day before a scheduled date of announcement of our financial statements. This is to prevent divulgence of information on our financial settlements (including quarterly settlements) and to ensure fairness of information disclosure. During the quiet period, we refrain from answering inquiries or making comments on our financial and business results forecast.
However, in the case there is a possibility during the quiet period that we have to correct the existing forecast significantly, we will make a timely announcement of the latest information pursuant to the Timely Disclosure Rules and our own information disclosure standards.
4. Information disclosure to a third party and business result forecast made by a third party
In individual meetings with investors and analysts, etc., we can answer inquiries only with regard to information such as facts that are already published or known to public, or information on the business environment in general. In addition, we do not endorse any comments on our company or forecasts of our business results that are made by a third party because actual business results will be affected by various factors.
5. Other
For the use of the information published on our company website, please refer to our disclosure policy and disclaimer of liability.